Your First Visit

Welcome! We are so excited you are interested in David’s UCC.

Sunday Worship
9:50 a.m.

Where do I go first? Entering the David’s parking lot from David Road, proceed to the upper parking lot, behind the building. The door closest to Mad River Road will take you up a few steps into the Narthex (the gathering area outside the worship space), where you will find greeters and ushers. They will offer you a worship bulletin to help guide you through our worship service. The door closest to Far Hills is where the elevator is located. Take the stairs or elevator to the Upper Level and take the long hallway on the left to the Narthex (gathering space) and Sanctuary.

How long does church last? Service has a musical prelude that starts at 9:45 a.m. This service usually ends close to 11 a.m., but on communion and special Sundays can run over 10 or 15 minutes.

What do I wear? You are invited to wear what feels comfortable to you.

-Where do I go for Sunday School? There are classes during the 9:50 a.m. service for 3 year olds through 6th graders. After the Children’s Moment during the service, children are guided to their classrooms with the Sunday School Superintendent while parents remain in worship. Please register your child in the Narthex (gathering space) before worship if you would like them to attend Sunday School. A greeter or usher can guide you to pick up your child after worship.

Second Hour (11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.) features offerings for Confirmation Class (7th and 8th grades, who meet on the lower level in LL9), Children’s Choir in the Church, and coffee and donuts for everyone in Fellowship Hall (end of the hall on the left).

-Do you offer childcare for my kids? We have a nursery for children under three. A greeter or usher can help you find the room just off the Narthex where your child will be cared for by trained providers.

Where are the restrooms? There is a unisex restroom just down the hall from the Narthex. There are men’s and women’s rooms on both floors by the elevator, clearly marked.

Is your building handicapped-accessible? Yes. There is a ramp at the Narthex entrance. If you enter the building through the rear doors closest to Far Hills, you will find an elevator. Take this to the Upper Level and follow the long hallway on the left to the Narthex and Sanctuary. There is room for people in wheelchairs to be seated on either side of the center aisle next to the front two pews and there are spaces in the back by the side doors. We have large-print bulletins available. Please see an usher for any of these needs.

-Will I be singled out as a visitor? During announcements, we invite visitors to fill out visitor cards and attach a visitor nametag to clothing so that we may greet you more personally. This is optional, of course. We also offer a welcome bag to visitors, containing information about David’s Church and the UCC, as well as a small gift. We do not point out visitors during the service. We have good attendance and a number of visitors each week, so you will not stand out like a sore thumb, but if you would like to be known, please do introduce yourself to those around you and take a moment after worship to meet the pastors as you leave the sanctuary.

May I take Communion? The communion table is open to all who wish to receive it. The Lord’s Supper is not David’s Church’s table, but Christ’s table. All who seek communion with Christ are invited to participate in Communion.

Please reach out if you have additional questions-

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